Monday, November 10, 2008

RSS and All That Good Stuff...

So, I finally made the switch to using RSS, after I recently realized how much extra time it took me to open and navigate websites for the desired content with Firefox.

The feed reader I am using is Liferea (see? I started using the fancy links just like I said!).

Oh, I also forgot to mention that a few months ago, I switched to Ubuntu. ^.^
If you couldn't already tell, I absolutely love it. The speed, customization, excellent features, security,
and other things combine to make it a great operating system (though I am curious to see how Windows 7 turns out, it may turn out to beat Vista).
One gripe I had (a very typical one that all users encounter at some time or another) was that of missing Windows applications, though thankfully a fair bit of my applications (Firefox, Blender, Gmail) are cross-platform meaning that they are designed with a high level of compatibility to be able to run on multiple platforms with a similar user experience. The main one that I lacked was Adobe Photoshop, because I just can't stand Gimp through all the times I have tried it. Instead of telling you all the details, let's just say that it now works through CrossOver with minor glitches, making one very happy Linux user.

My eyes are starting to get a heavy sensation in them, signalling that I most likely need
to go to bed.
Good night and God bless!

~Bradley (I love this little symbol, it must have been made for blog signatures, aside from the secondary purpose of pulling down consoles in games).


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