Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. It's presence was very well-stated throughout the day, through certain means such as my pastor and various blogs.
So, Thanksgiving came and went, and it was a glorious day of feasting and fellowship (relatives had previously penetrated my principality earlier in the week). Wednesday and Thursday, I was accompanied by the thoughts of thankfulness and joy. To explain the last sentence, even though we are thankful every day of our lives (at least we should be), it is wonderful to have special events (such as holidays) to be reminded. Dr. Johnson said, "People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed."
To finish off this post, I thought a link to Pastor Leithart's baptismal exhortation on Advent.
Oh, and I apologize if it may seem that I swallowed a thesaurus. Sometimes, you get the delightful feeling that you want to write a certain way, and that's just how it is.
Have a blessed week everyone!
P.S. Advent link
11 years ago
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